Woking Muslim Mission, England, 1913–1968
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Id-ul-Fitr at the Woking Mosque, 19 March 1961
Prime Minister of Malaya (Malaysia), Tunku Abdur Rahman attends Id prayers, makes speech

(The Islamic Review, April 1961)

Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tunku Abdur Rahman, at Id-ul-Fitr, March 1961

The Imam, Maulana S.M. Tufail, is to his right in the photo, wearing light-coloured cap

According to the report in The Islamic Review, April 1961, an estimated 4000 people attended this gathering. Maulana Tufail led the prayers and gave the khutba. He was followed by Tunku Abdur Rahman who spoke about the need to form a Commonwealth of Muslim countries.

Tunku Abdur Rahman at the Woking Mosque with his wife, 1965

The photo below is from a private collection and has annotation in Urdu on the back.

According to the annotation, this was taken in 1965 outside the Woking Mosque. Tunku Abdur Rahman, right; his wife, centre; Shaikh Muhammad Tufail, left, in back row; his younger brother Khalid Iqbal, right, in back row.

Note: The wife of Tunku Abdur Rahman in the centre of this photo (not the lady on the left) would be Tun Sharifah.

This website is created and published by the Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha‘at Islam Lahore (U.K.), Wembley, London,
the successor of the Woking Muslim Mission.