Mr. Shaikh Muhammad Tufail (d. 1984)
Photographs scanned from prints in private
See Life of Maulana Tufail
1. During his service at the Woking Mosque
As Assistant Imam at Eid prayers (from 1951 to 1954), Maulana Tufail sits facing the congregation
while the Imam Dr S.M. Abdullah delivers sermon
With Dr Muhammad Hatta of Indonesia, at the Woking Mosque, 18 June 1960
Men and women declaring the Kalimah Shahadah to embrace Islam at an Eid function at the Woking Mosque
Maulana Tufail (second from left) with visitors at an Eid function at the Woking Mosque
A Buddhist Conference at Chiswick Town Hall, London, 18 October 1964,
Maulana Tufail speaking, Mrs Srimavo Bandaranaike, Prime Minister of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) presiding
On extreme right is Dr Malalasekera, High Commissioner of Sri Lanka in London
Interfaith Meeting, Liverpool, 1965
Maulana Tufail is fourth from the left. The photograph above was found by the family of Maulana Tufail. On the back it carries the following information:
Peter Kaye Photography, 24 Newinton/Renshaw Street,
174, Park Road, Liverpool, 8.
Tel. ROYal 136
The year which is partly visible on the poster in the top left of the photograph can be deduced to be 1965 by reference to the life of Maulana Tufail. This is corroborated by the words ‘International Co-operation’ on the poster which can be seen after ‘1965’, since 1965 was designated by the UN as the Year of International Co-operation. We contacted the photography firm mentioned above and they believe that the venue in the photo may be St George’s Hall, Liverpool. Looking at the speakers on the platform, the occasion seems to be an Interfaith meeting.
2. After his service as Imam of the Woking Mosque
After the All Faiths Service at the Synagogue, Upper Berkeley Street, Marble Arch, London,
27 October 1969
This photograph is scanned from a magazine cutting. The cutting does not show the name or date of the magazine, but it appears to be a magazine of the World Congress of Faiths. On the reverse of the photo there is a partial report of this service which gives the date as 4 June. We can narrow down the year from these facts: the report mentions Sir John Hackett as the Principal of King’s College, who was Principal from 1968 to 1975, Lord Sorensen appears in this photo who died in October 1971, and Maulana Tufail was in Trinidad from 1966 to 1969. Therefore the year can only be 1969, 1970 or 1971. |
At All Faiths Service, West London Synagogue,
23 October 1973
From left: Edward Carpenter, Archdeacon of
Westminster, the Dalai Lama, Rabbi Hugo Gryn, Prof. Harminder Singh,
and Shaikh M. Tufail (extreme right)
Below is a scan of the caption on the back of this
photograph in English and Urdu by Mr. S. M. Tufail:
Ahmadiyya Convention, Woking, UK, August 1975 (Added 8 June 2020)
In the above photograph, the six gentlemen shown in the close-up on the left, are as follows from left to right:
Hafiz Sher Muhammad (Pakistan), Dr Saeed Ahmad Khan (Pakistan), Mr Aziz Ahamad (Trinidad), Maulana M.K. Hydal (Trinidad), Maulana S.M. Tufail and Mr Ghulam Nabi Dean (Fiji)
April 1976, Warith (Wallace) Deen Muhammad from USA visits Ahmadiyya Anjuman Lahore in Lahore, Pakistan (Added 8 June 2020)
From left: Wallace Deen Muhammad, Maulana Sadr-ud-Din (Head of the Lahore Ahmadiyya), Muhammad Abdullah (Lahore Ahmadiyya missionary, California), and Maulana S.M. Tufail
Eid-ul-Fitr, 26 September 1976, at Ahmadiyya House, Longely Road, Tooting, London (Added 8 June 2020)
Seated are: Maulana Abdul Haq Vidyarthi (left) and Dr Saeed Ahmad Khan (right), while Maulana Tufail is standing between them.
At the annual Commonwealth Service, Marlborough
House, with Queen Elizabeth of England, 11 June 1976
Right: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth; Centre:
Secretary-General of the Commonwealth Sir Shridath Ramphal; left:
Mr S. M. Tufail
With the Duke of Edinburgh,
9 March 1981